Once you decide to expand across borders and into Sierra Leone, you need to prepare to either establish a subsidiary or partner with an Employer of Record (EOR) like G-P. 选择设立塞拉利昂子公司涉及许多活动部件。 You could spend weeks or months setting up your subsidiary before you’re ready to hire employees, add them to your payroll, and give out compensation and benefits. However, you won’t have to set up a Sierra Leone subsidiary when you work with us.
How to set up a Sierra Leone subsidiary
If you decide to set up a Sierra Leone subsidiary, you need to start by discussing your company’s goals. 我们建议您先为您的办公室选择物理位置。 Different regions in Sierra Leone can operate under separate laws and regulations, which may make it easier or harder to incorporate in certain areas. 在决定正式并入之前,请务必研究您所需的位置。
您还应该讨论您在该国的经营目标。 塞拉利昂提供几个不同的实体,它们都有自己的法律和限制,包括有限责任公司(LLC),公共有限责任公司(PLC),分支机构和代表处。
- Preparing a memorandum and articles of association.
- Choosing a company name.
- Submitting statutory declarations.
- Submitting other necessary documents, including members’ and directors’ IDs, statements, and letters of consent.
Sierra Leone subsidiary laws
Sierra Leone’s subsidiary laws vary based on the entity you choose. LLCs require at least 1 shareholder and 1 director who can be of any nationality, either individuals or corporate bodies. 他们不必住在塞拉利昂。 The country also eliminated its minimum share capital requirement, so you don’t have to set aside this capital to incorporate.
公司法2009和后续修正案概述了为了保持合规而需要遵守的更多塞拉利昂子公司法律。 例如,您的关联备忘录需要采用正确的形式,并由每个订户进行身份验证。 然后,您的公司章程应概述贵公司将如何运营、管理和拥有。 它需要包含贵公司的名称、您的注册办事处、您的业务性质以及您的子公司的结构。
Benefits of setting up a Sierra Leone subsidiary
The biggest benefit of setting up a Sierra Leone subsidiary is that it allows you to operate legally within the country. An LLC also benefits the parent company, as it will have limited liability from the subsidiary and won’t have to worry about any costly litigation. 此外,该子公司可以自由选择在塞拉利昂运营的最佳方式,以符合该国的文化和法规。
当您准备加入塞拉利昂时,我们建议您留出时间和金钱,让您的子公司取得成功。 在整个过程中,您必须多次来回前往塞拉利昂。 如果差旅时间不符合您的日程安排,您应该指定另一位公司高管来处理公司注册流程。 We also recommend working with your accounting team to determine how much money to set aside for the Sierra Leone subsidiary setup process. That way you won’t be surprised by any unexpected fees.
使用 G-P 进入新市场 — 无需新实体。
利用 G-P 在几分钟内而不是几个月内击败竞争对手并进入新市场。 我们已将我们行业领先的地区内人力资源和法律专家团队与我们排名第 1 Global Growth Platform™团队相结合,帮助您在 180 多个国家/地区进行合规招聘,无需设立当地实体或子公司。