G-P and Frost & Sullivan are aligned in their missions to guide the world’s top companies toward transformational growth. In the second segment of this webinar, Melanie Turek, Senior Fellow and Vice President of Consulting at Frost & Sullivan, and Dev Das, Vice President of Customer Experience and Operations at G-P, sat down to talk about recruiting and hiring strategies for a global hybrid workplace.

Geography doesn’t present the same obstacle to recruiting and hiring that it once did. An Employer of Record (EOR) unlocks the ability to hire beyond borders, allowing companies to bring on highly skilled talent, anywhere in the world, and enter new markets quickly, regardless of entity status. 

But how do recruiting and hiring strategies for global hybrid and remote workplaces differ from that of a traditional, on-site office environment?

Offer flexible options in each step of recruitment

“Hybrid and remote models have literally removed the geographic boundaries.”

A global hybrid workplace opens recruiters up to a far broader talent pool. Casting a wider net for a diverse array of talents and perspectives can lead to a more skilled and innovative workforce. Recruitment strategies can be tailored to customize benefits and working hours to align with the norms and expectations of the candidate, whereas in a traditional model, job offers are generally more consistent with a standard set of expectations and benefits.

The global hybrid model also allows for flexibility in each step of recruitment. Virtual interviews, online assessments, and digital onboarding facilitate the recruitment and hiring of global candidates. This means the process is often much faster compared to traditional in-office talent acquisition strategies.

Adjust compensation structures for equity and talent retention

“If two people apply for the same role, but one is in a high-cost location and one is in a lower-cost location, how do you think about that from a compensation philosophy standpoint?”

Companies that are recruiting and hiring globally will likely find themselves asking how to approach compensation structures. Compensation can vary due to cost of living, local market rates, legal requirements, cultural expectations, and other factors, so it’s important to establish a global compensation framework. This framework should align with the company’s mission and values, and define the basis for salaries, benefits, and other forms of compensation.

It’s crucial that employees in every region feel they are being treated fairly, and equitable compensation is key to motivating and retaining talent. Consider setting salary bands that apply globally but can be adjusted to the laws and conditions where the candidate is located. Benefits will also vary from country to country, so identify which benefits can be standardized globally and specify which ones may need to be adapted in a given location, such as additional health insurance, local holidays, etc.

Ensure collaboration and communication are emphasized

“What we are looking for is folks that can establish, collaborate, create relationships, get work done in snippets, and be successful and be effective in that kind of [remote] environment.”

Another key element of recruiting and hiring in a global hybrid environment is vetting candidates to see if they can be successful with the dynamics that come with remote work. Companies have to assess potential hires on not only their qualifications and experience, but also their self-discipline, communication skills, and ability to collaborate effectively, even if they are nowhere near the office.

A successful employee in a borderless company should have at least some level of technological proficiency and be well adapted to taking virtual meetings, self-managing, and working asynchronously. It isn’t as easy as an employee walking over to their manager’s office to get clarification on a task, or booking the conference room for a working session with the team. Working across time zones and in a remote environment isn’t for everyone, and it’s important to recruit candidates that will thrive in that situation.

Recruiting and hiring beyond borders requires a bit more consideration than the traditional in-office model. HR teams that embrace flexibility within their processes and offerings, ensure equitable compensation structures, and prioritize collaboration and communication skills to find qualified candidates will secure access to the top talent, anywhere in the world, for hybrid and remote work.

For more insights on engaging talent, embracing change, and uncovering the value of an Employer of Record, watch the full webinar here

Engaging Talent, Embracing Change: Uncover the Value of an Employer of Record

G-P and Frost & Sullivan share a common goal of guiding the world’s top companies toward global expansion and global success. Frost & Sullivan’s Growth Pipeline as a Service (GPaaS) value proposition allows customers to maximize their economic potential, navigate emerging megatrends, and shape a future based on sustainable growth.

G-P’s industry-leading Employer of Record (EOR) solutions and global employment products help companies plan, hire, and manage global teams in 180+ countries, without setting up new entities. Stay tuned as we continue to lead the conversation around the future of work and the path to global growth with insightful conversations like these.

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