When you decide to expand to Botswana, you’ll need to obtain a residence and work permit for every international employee. Unfortunately, the work permit application process in Botswana is notoriously difficult, and ambiguous regulations can quickly lead to frustration. Officials and the country’s National Immigrants Selection Board also have the authority to create further requirements and decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Types of work visas in Botswana
Botswana has 1 work visa, also known as a work permit, for all international employees working in the country under the Employment of the Non-Citizens Act. Employers cannot hire international employees unless they hold a valid Botswana work permit or a certificate of exemption. The National Immigrants Selection Board reviews all permits and issues an appropriate validity period. Typically, employees can renew their permits by going through the initial application process again.
Requirements to obtain Botswana work visas
While the Botswana government recognizes the importance of international talent, the application process includes numerous requirements and ambiguities that often weigh down employers and applicants. Keep in mind that you will be required to show:
- Proof that you tried to recruit nationals first.
- Proof of a job advert that listed candidate requirements, contact details, a minimum advertising period, and an exclusive period during which only nationals could apply.
- Proof that the advert circulated for at least 14 days and that applications were open only to nationals during that period.
- Proof that the advert is no older than 6 months.
Employees have their own separate requirements, including:
- A valid job offer reflected in an employment contract or appointment letter.
- An application letter for work
- A CV.
- Certified copies of key certificates, including birth, marriage, and educational certificates, all translated into English and confirmed by Botswana Qualification Authority.
- A medical letter from the worker’s doctor (Nurse aid/ Caretaker).
- Certified copies of a valid passport.
- 4 passport-size photos.
- A complete work permit application form.
- Clearance from relevant professional regulatory bodies.
- Supporting letter from relevant Ministries for Government projects.
The Immigrants Selection Board may have additional requirements depending on the specific occupation. For example, some jobs require registration with professional bodies as well as specific documentation.
Application process
After filling out an application and compiling the documents listed above, employees must submit their application and fee to an authorized officer. The officer will review the application, make a recommendation, and even call the applicant in for an interview if necessary. If they approve, the officer will forward the application for consideration with the Regional Immigrants Selection Board. They can meet at any stage to request more information.
In total, it takes about 14 working days from the first submission of the application to receipt of a Botswana work permit. If the application gets turned down, employees can appeal the decision. This process is common, and the National Immigrants Selection Board will follow the review process for all appeals.
Other important considerations
Botswana recommends certain vaccines as part of the Botswana working visa application process. All travelers coming from or passing through countries declared yellow fever infected areas must have a certificate showing that they got the yellow fever vaccine. The government also recommends that all individuals be vaccinated for malaria.
Note that all visa fees are non-refundable. All copies of the required documents need to be notarized for acceptance by the Immigration Board.
It is important to note that applications for a renewal have to be submitted 6 months before the work permit expires.
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