Every competitive organization values being “people first.” The power of people is stronger than ever because, for the first time in human history, technology has enabled an interconnected workforce to work seamlessly across time zones and borders. Tapping into diverse global human talent is the competitive edge in 2024 and beyond — especially given local labor shortages and global economic headwinds. 

Building global teams can be complex, though. From country-specific laws to the nuances of international employment, administrative efforts alone can prevent leaders from being able to provide a world-class employee experience or enter new markets.

For Customer Appreciation Day, we’re celebrating how our customers have broken down these barriers and enabled opportunities for talent everywhere.

Behind every hire is a human being.

If I ever need assistance with an HR administrative task, G-P does an excellent job supporting me. While I’m officially employed through G-P, I’m fully immersed within the KSE culture and feel 100% like a member of the team.

Christopher Knower

Germany Operations Manager at KSE

Headquartered in the U.S., Kraft Sports + Entertainment (KSE) is the organization behind the world-famous New England Patriots. When KSE was presented with a remarkable opportunity to expand into Germany, they knew bringing American Football to excited fans in Europe required local boots on the ground.

Lead with confidence while ensuring employee well-being.

We trust G-P to engage and communicate directly with our staff, which provides consistency and stability in addressing our employees’ needs. The clear communication and professionalism from our G-P partners put us at ease.

Martha Angle

VP of Global Culture, Diversity, and People at OneStream

With an intelligent finance platform built to maximize business impact for customers, OneStream’s solutions unleash organizational value. The company is committed to providing exceptional care for each of its team members. Through its partnership with G-P as its Employer of Record (EOR), OneStream can ensure its international workforce receives meticulous attention to detail when it comes to certifying legal compliance, managing payroll, offering benefits, and enhancing the overall employment experience.

Grow opportunities globally by supporting your teams locally.

No matter their country, our team members receive comprehensive support. We love that our international team members feel fully integrated into our daily operations and are embraced as part of our 'family,' regardless of employment details being managed by G-P.

Jessica Teunissen

Manager, People & Culture at Cogstate

Based in Australia, Cogstate’s 200-strong global team is on a mission to support the research needs of biopharmaceutical companies and academic institutions and the clinical care needs of physicians and patients worldwide. As they hire in new countries, Cogstate’s leadership team needed the right EOR partner to ensure they could foster belonging and unity within the company’s culture.

Don’t let the stress of compliance slow your hiring needs.

For a business with limited resources, administration can create additional compliance issues to the point where it becomes a consideration as to whether [entering a new market] is worthwhile to pursue. G-P gives us the flexibility we need while ensuring we are totally compliant.

Mick Mag

Chief Financial Officer at Aurora Expeditions

Australia-based Aurora Expeditions’ mission is simple: take small groups of travelers on voyages to discover inspiring regions. But engaging adventurous clients to visit unique destinations requires active marketing efforts across regions. The journey to hire in new countries felt daunting until they partnered with G-P.

Capture emerging business opportunities quickly, with local employees leading the way.

The full range of global growth services from G-P helped us gain a deeper understanding of overseas talent and realize the vast opportunities in other markets, which led us to expand our presence outside of China.

Kimi Hao

Human Resources and Admin Manager at AmoyDx

Headquartered in Xiamen, China, AmoyDx’s mission is to improve the lives of patients around the world by providing diagnostic products and services for trials of drugs in clinical development. When the company secured its first approved companion diagnostic kit in Japan and South Korea, new avenues for expansion opened. The company knew that local employees were vital for new market growth, and that having these employees feel connected to AmoyDx’s mission and core values would ensure greater success. To better navigate cultural nuances and build strong global teams in new countries, the company turned to G-P.

Thanking all G-P customers for entrusting us with your global expansion journeys

Despite incredible technological advancements, people and human innovation remain an organization’s greatest competitive edge. With an Employer of Record (EOR) like G-P, companies can hire top global talent regardless of geography.

Every day, we are so inspired by the remarkable work of our customers and the impact they are making within their teams, their industries, and around the globe.

You can think of G-P as your Chief Global Officer and trusted global guide — we have all the expertise and tools you need to plan, hire, and manage global teams in 180+ countries in full compliance and confidence.

From onboarding to offboarding and everything in between, we provide world-class employee experiences, so you can focus on growing your business.

Make us a part of your global expansion story and book a demo today.

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